Revolutionizing crop care from above.

Our cutting-edge drones deliver precise application of herbicides, and insecticides, ensuring your crops receive the care they deserve.

Precision Crop Protection

Our 4-rotor drones equipped with 10-gallon tanks and the capacity for 110 pounds of payload ensure precision application tailored to your needs.

Rapid and Mobile

With the ability to cover up to 400 acres a day, we make efficient use of your time and resources.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We use the latest commercially available drones on the market, bringing you the most advanced crop protection solutions.

Tailored Application

Whether you need a general area treatment or a precise target area covered, our drones can handle it with unmatched accuracy.

Our team combines decades of cropdusting know-how with military precision, ensuring your crops receive the utmost care.

SoLA Drone Pilots are fully compliant with FAA Part 107 and 137 regulations and maintain required operator licenses.

Experienced Team

Ready to Elevate Your Crop Protection?

Get in touch with SoLa Drones today.

Whether you have questions about our services, drone sales, want to discuss your crop protection needs, or are ready to schedule a visit from our drone fleet, we're here to help. Contact us now to experience SoLa Drones in action. Agricultural And Industrial Drone Services

SoLA offers agricultural aerial drone services in Louisiana. Our services include everything from imaging to pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer applications. Our pilots are FAA licensed drone pilots as well as licensed and trained applicators.

Key Markets we serve:

  • Production Agriculture

  • Federal, State, & Local Agencies

  • Land Trusts & Natural Resources Managers and Research Centers

  • Industrial & Commercial Properties

If you would like more information about the services we offer or would like to discuss your project, give us a call at 337-345-9848